Video: Treesje - History of Treesje Handbags

Video interview with Treesje founders Laura and Sheila. Learn more about the history of Treesje handbags including where the name Treesje came from.

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Length: 2:07
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<p>Laura: Sheila and I met, what was it? '03? '02? I don't know. We went to college together at the University of San Diego. But, we didn't really know each other. We became really close friends after we were bridesmaids in our mutual best friend's wedding in St. Louis, Missouri.</p> <p>Shiela: And her name was Anna Treesje.</p> <p>Laura: So, we namesaked the company after our dearest best friend who helped inspire the beginnings of our handbag company.</p> <p>Shiela: So, our whole last four years has been a great time. However, we've definitely had some very overwhelming times.</p> <p>Laura: Chaotic, yeah.</p> <p>Shiela: Yeah. The experience is wonderful. It's so fun designing. But, there's definitely been our ups and downs.</p> <p>Laura: That comes with growing pains, I think. You know? I mean, it started out with Shiela and I in Shiela's mom's bedroom. We were shipping UPS boxes in our car, taking them down to our local UPS stop and that was only three years ago. Now, we can't even - we've grown out of our 2,000 square foot warehouse. It's been great.</p> <p>Since the wedding, when Shiela and I met, we've becomes sisters, really. We're both married. But, honestly, our husbands are jealous of our relationship because we spend more time with each other, we call each other for everything.</p> <p>Laura: Whether it's work related, or whether it's emotional breakdowns, or it's the highs of our lives, we're together and we really enjoy each other's company. It's never a dread to hang out and to travel.</p> <p>Shiela: It's just a great friendship.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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Treesje - History of Treesje Handbags - image 1 from the video

Treesje - History of Treesje Handbags - image 2 from the video

Treesje - History of Treesje Handbags - image 3 from the video

Treesje - History of Treesje Handbags - image 4 from the video

Treesje - History of Treesje Handbags - image 5 from the video

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